I was very fortunate to meet Norman Reedus, star of The Walking Dead and this week’s new release, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, during Monday’s live Twitter event. He was nice enough to sign two copies of the PS3 game for me to give away. Throw in two signed posters for the game and two of the Daryl Dixon replica walker-ear keychains and you’ve got…well, two very cool and slightly disturbing prize packs for two lucky Walking Dead fans.
Fill out the form below before the end of Tuesday, March 26th, and I will pick a winner the following day. Please, one entry per person and the usual contest FAQ applies — it’s worth reading. I’ll list both winners here when it’s all over. Good luck!
UPDATE 3/27: Congrats to Mark Monzo of N. Wildwood, NJ and John Newby of Prineville, OR — you are both winners! Watch for a prize pack on your doorstep soon.