This morning’s #TWDSurvival Twitter chat was insane. Norman Reedus, the actor who plays Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead on AMC and in the Walking Dead: Survival Instinct game that comes out this week, was in the office here with me, and oh my goodness…his computer was a non-stop barrage of new messages. I have never seen tweets coming in so fast. So if he did not answer you personally, take heart — he really did try. You can play catch-up by looking at the #TWDSurvival hashtag on Twitter.
Norman did get to debut the launch trailer for the game, though:
Click here to view the embedded video.
That is the UK trailer, so the date on it — the 22nd — is when the game comes out in the UK and Europe. Gamers in North America, however, can get it tomorrow, Tuesday the 19th, on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, and PC (download via Steam). I have a developer interview here if you want some more insight.