“I’m not really good at anything,” says Norman Reedus on this week’s podcast, and if you’re a fan of his work as an actor in The Walking Dead and this week’s new release, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, you may find cause to disagree. We talk a little about the game, then launch into stories of roadkill photography, tricking laser scanners, homemade action figures, jazz drummers, and why you never want to go to jail in Russia. The rest of the time, it’s Kat and Hugh and I talking about PAX East, living on Fritos, action figure triumphs, THPS trivia, and what type of guy Kat does not find attractive.
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More info after the jump…
Special Guest: Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Host: Dan “OneOfSwords” Amrich, Activision Community Manager, author, musician, puzzle nerd, and fire juggler
Co-host: “The Lovely and Talented” Katrin Auch, photographer, graphic designer, bassist, Mechromancer, and inventor of Headshotmas
Co-host: Hugh “DJ Darkhugh” Sterbakov, screenwriter, author, comic creator, Emmy-nominated writer/toy wrangler for Robot Chicken, and Governor of Somewhere
Soundtrack: Yameen - available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and all online music stores
Relevant show links:
- The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
- PAX East 2013: Dan & Kat’s schedule
- SkylandersFigs.com
- Kickstarter: Inside Fear
- Kickstarter: The Veronica Mars Movie Project
- Netflix: The People vs. George Lucas
- Dan’s book: Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a Living
- Hugh’s book: City Under the Moon (Kindle edition currently on sale for $3!)
- Enter your own question for Hugh Don’t Know Jack (or Stick It To The Dan)
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