IGN dropped a Christmas Eve present for zombies fans last week, and because I was off enjoying the holidays, I missed it! Here’s Glenn Gamble talking about The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct on Up At Noon.
Click here to view the embedded video.
It’s a beefy 15-minute interview with plenty of in-game footage.
UPDATE: Apparently the trailer that’s floating around (which I also posted!) is not legit. Sorry about that, didn’t mean to lead people astray. When I get something real I’ll post it.
UPDATE 2: I wasn’t the only one who was fooled — Ben Kuchera over at Penny Arcade Report also thought that trailer was the real deal. So did many other outlets, of course.
I’m still out of the office on holiday vacation, but when I spotted chatter of TWD making the rounds, I felt obligated to post something about it quickly, then get back to my day off. I knew the IGN piece was real, but I added the trailer in a haste to try to offer all relevant info in the same post. At a cursory glance, it really did look legit — ESRB opening, ending logo…it follows the format of pro trailers. It even called out to an official-looking Facebook page…which I later learned was also fake. My official source for information on the game let me know it was just a fan edit of the footage from Up At Noon, and I removed the link — but I felt terrible all day for being part of the misinformation and the constant problem of Unreliable Information Found on the Internet.
My goal here at the site has always been summed up in one word: Clarity. I want you to know that what you read here is real; I want to be the guy who stops rumors with facts. If you have read my About page, you know that clarity is the reason the site is even named One of Swords. So this is a big embarrassment for me personally and professionally; shooting from the hip with bad info is in direct opposition to everything I want One of Swords to represent.
Not only do I want to apologize, but please know that it’s mistakes like this that remind me how important my process for information verification really is, and my diligence batteries are hereby recharged.
Looking like a big idiot is a colossal motivator.