Terminal Reality’s Glenn Gamble shambles onto the show to discuss The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, and we talk about zombie teeth, Wii U perks, how he’s secretly looking forward to torturing players, and most importantly, we clear the air about that fake trailer and the work-in-progress footage — with actual insight into the game dev process. The rest of the time, Kat and Hugh and Dan chat about Mila Kunis, TMNT, videogame-induced deja vu, camouflage, Deadpool, low trivia expectations, upcoming events at PAX and Wondercon, and the surprise arrival of the 1oS Windows Phone app.
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More info after the jump…
Special Guest: Glenn Gamble, System Designer & Lord of the Particles, Terminal Reality
Host: Dan “OneOfSwords” Amrich, Activision Community Manager, author, musician, puzzle nerd, and fire juggler
Co-host: “The Lovely and Talented” Katrin Auch, photographer, graphic designer, bassist, Mechromancer, and inventor of Headshotmas
Co-host: Hugh “DJ Darkhugh” Sterbakov, screenwriter, author, comic creator, Emmy-nominated writer/toy wrangler for Robot Chicken, and Governor of Somewhere
Soundtrack: Yameen - available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and all online music stores
Relevant show links:
- 1oS Windows Phone app
- TMNT: Out of the Shadows trailer
- Deadpool trailer
- PAX East 2013
- Wondercon 2013
- Mila Kunis interview
- PHLearn.com
- Great Big War Game iOS
- Kat and Hugh and Dan on Twitter
- Dan’s book: Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a Living
- Hugh’s book: City Under the Moon (Kindle edition currently on sale for $3!)
- Enter your own question for Hugh Don’t Know Jack (or Stick It To The Dan)
- Suggest topics for The Third Degree
- Write to the show’s Megamailbag