The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is still more than a month away, but two retailers are offering preorder bonuses for the FPS based on the AMC zombie TV show. Amazon is offering the Walker Execution Pack, featuring five blade weapons, while GameStop is offering the wave-survival Herd Mode Challenge for PS3 and 360, and — in honor of Daryl’s grisly necklace from the show — a walker ear keychain for both of those platforms plus Wii U. I don’t know if I could explain why the keys to my 1996 Geo Prizm are attached to a replica of a zombie’s ear, but…well, now I guess I have to come up with something.
UK gamers can get some of this stuff too. GAME is offering the same weapons pack and the Herd mode for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct ships on March 19 for PS3 and 360 in the US, March 22 in the UK, and on March 26 in the US on Wii U, so you have a little time to weigh your options.